Thursday, April 29, 2010

Aluminum Boat Renovations

Album "Everyday Madness" and "Biomachina" available for free download

" Everyday Madness "

"on the border environment, and indastrijala nojza, Third and depict contemporary life in dystopian point of view, in whose staff of darkness there is no place for the grain light. Dull and heavy machine evaporation tapestry interceptions are distressing speech samples and periodic glitch rhythms and the whole atmosphere is mostly like a sewer - a dark and damp, the prevailing ominous silence, only occasionally interrupted water dripping from pipes and more conventional, distant profiled instruments. "(We Two blog )

"Supplied speaking, the album from head to toe wrapped in artistic attire passage through a sophisticated, refined ambience sequences and devoid of unnecessary experiments that would be filled in 'neutral'. Definitely it is quite clear that the Third and the experimental band project grew into a leading flagship earthly electro style with many corresponding suffixes (noise, industrial, ambient, harsh, dark-wave ...) ... "( )

>>> Download link: http://www .

CDr available on / slusajnajglasnije

" Biomachina "

" S SF metaphorical rather the plot of cyber-Futurism through only 3 compositions for 20 minutes, the pair was re-created intriguing music in which they left to the imagination and willingness to experiment ... Third I have given my not-so-optimistic vision of the world in which the leading role of cyber organisms, and is a very suitable material for a movie soundtrack with the plot very morbid about the forthcoming end of the world. "( )

>>> Download link: . zip

CDr available in (Serbia) and (Hrvatska)

All Tickers On Nasdaq


Work is ongoing the deconstruction and reconstruction Syphil song "Tar Lakes " which will be dressed in THIRD AND environment handle (sub) title of "This Summer We travel to Jerusalem .

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Anniversary Greetings Quotes

Third and supporting sort of it's own alterego Figurative Theatre Review