I am open to offers relating to the coordination of cultural, educational, civic - the place does not matter, foreign languages, they are not big barrier for me. Feel free to speak English, German, English and Russian, Czech and French I can manage it.
head full of ideas, great organizational skills, leadership skills and ability to find themselves in any situation are my strengths. I put high expectations and I hate the action at the last minute. six years of experience in animating the cultural and social events allow me to feel comfortable in this field. At that time, among other things:
- worked with the association of ASK in the debates urban Fri "The Task is to ASK" and, above all in the four editions nationwide Arts Festival "Ciało.Duch.Miasto" geared for action in public space;
- co-created Open Political Lounge, which is meeting young people who want to go over party divisions;
- loudly protested against the arbitrary and bad decisions municipalities in cultural matters, co-organizing large street demonstration artistic Fri "For all have enough space under the big roof of heaven" (from the same authorities received the 2008 award for outstanding the entertainers);
- assumed Raciborska SOFT CITY Cycling Initiative and to this day in this field activates the local community, including preparing periodic cycling of critical mass.
- in June 2010 helped organize a large and spectacular event Raciborskie Fri "Day of dialogue between history and modernity."
can fulfill the next project together? Waiting for your turn.
warn, however, that does not interest me, and inflatable mock media- activities that do not bring anything meaningful to consumers and are just the result of artificial manic writing subsequent applications after the EU money.
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