Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Make A Bouncer

Meeting Incentives Panoptikum "dys (u)

March 17, 2011 (Thursday) the chair. 15:30 held a promotional meeting the latest issue of the journal Panoptikum. This time has been devoted to dystopia. Promotional meetings combined with a panel discussion involving a number of authors. It will take an important hives 1.43
Faculty of Philology, University of Gdansk (St Veit Stoss 55 in Gdansk). The meeting will be: mgr Grażyna Świętochowska (Chief Editor), Dr. Monika Bokiniec (scientific editor). The guests are: prof. dr hab. George Szyłak (UG), Dr. Chris Kornacki (UG), Dr. James Sebastian Konefał (UG), Dr. Paul Sitkiewicz (UG), Chris Lipowski (writer). Admission is free.

"Panoptikum" is a young nation-wide audio-visual magazine for enthusiasts and talented film and art critics who are looking for an area of \u200b\u200bpublishing.

starting point for the new issue of "Panoptikum" The concept was not a utopia, but in the face of the proliferation of kin: dystopia, atopy, or heterotopia ekotopii project seems logical presentation of the topography, the implications of the process of language shift, statements, counter-proposals. Starting from the core of a "space", each of the newly neutralizes or reverses the relationship with the other, while negotiating their relationship with time and space, so that - eventually - to acquire the status of conflicting or niemiejsc. We are dealing with a break with the traditional time, opening up the layers of time, its liquidity, or accumulation.

Utopia has always flourished in times of great crises, violent social, political and cultural. Coincidence that the greatest flowering of utopia as a literary form for the period of the Renaissance, when the old order no longer functioned, and the new has not yet emerged: the project required and it is the task was to meet utopia - next to the satire, by definition, most probably involved socially and politically species. The new world requires a new society, a new society - a new citizen: this is a simple way to utopia.

is no coincidence that the twentieth century dystopian realm: disillusionment with human nature, the impossibility of revolution or the monstrosity of its embodiment. Although each of utopia, from Plato onwards, wants justice, fairness, this does not necessarily mean egalitarianism, and sometimes on the contrary, can only be done at the cost of isolation and exclusion, social and geographical. In this sense, each utopia already contains a potential dystopijny.

Bokiniec Monica, Grazyna Świętochowska


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