Monday, March 7, 2011

Insert Image Into Autocad 2010

Little Brother Cory Doctorow starts badly. The fact that a group of kids grabs the devil knows why the metro area after the terrorist attack in San Francisco and its prison by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security would not cause fear or anger at a bad legitimate power, and irritation to the workshop of the author. Definitely it was necessary to attempt to refine the initial batch of novels such details, so that the reader would clear that the nasty ultraamerykańscy DBW officers can really be convinced that a terrorist attack is the average seventeen. And yes, smells a bit cheap to me kafkowością: "if the system will draw on your feet, after you, a little." Kind of catchy, but not at all passed the test performed. Besides started my reading with the hope of an intertextual relish as batting an eye toward Orwell's also a certain level of detail: But beyond the discussion in a controlled and kept under surveillance society, and novel way of referring explicitly to Year 1984 nickname, which initially uses the hero (oh, he could play it differently Doctorow and leave by the end of Marcus w1n5t0nem), there was too many of the elements of the world famous Orwell novel - and certainly nothing of the rebel terror units conversion for love to Big Brother.

not necessarily a serious objection right away, of course, although it is difficult to require that the lover has not sought dystopijnych worlds in the novel traces Orwellowskich headed this way and not otherwise. I will not however, fall into the extreme and say right away that the longer one reads, this is better. And even - much better. Although it must be borne in mind that Little Brother is de facto rather detective story for young people, and not prophetic dystopia. I read with this approach, this book is pretty nice. It seems to me that this attitude may also be useful to others: especially those who have the twenty-fifth birthday already.

The story begins at school. This institution is a pretty good symbol of a world in which the hero lives with his family and friends. Marcus School is a building guarded by cameras. Since the automatic face recognition has been recognized as unconstitutional, these cameras include gait detectors. "As far as I know, no court has yet determined whether the gait-recognition cameras are more judicious [than recognizing faces], but as long as this does not resolve, we are no flaws" - conclusion: Marcus. To get out of the building unnoticed, it must trick the ubiquitous, but they definitely dumb (Anything that
not written on the package) device, pouring gravel to the shoes. With gravel in the shoes can not be run in a standard way.

In this school, this is fiction - as well as many ordinary, non-literary, which the authorities urgently seek to achieve a miraculous act of surveillance without ever having to strain and to implement the process (never declaratively, of course) unification controlled - promotes a conformist behavior, and, unless niewychodzące never out of fashion, informing. There are websites where the friendly colleagues and casual passers-by can post photographs of truants encountered, and any action taken by pupils in the school PCs is readily monitored by teachers. Obviously, handling blockages and brings the school to remain anonymous to the god of gods, the venerable director of Benson, to rage.

Cory Doctorow in a story about teenagers, where the passion and faith in freedom to manage to escape from the power of the seemingly omnipotent DBW unobtrusively presents a whole host of problems facing society today in many countries. The modern world is built in a certain sense no longer the fear of terrorism as such, but for fear of what is different and strange: no accident that the vast majority of detainees by the DBW in Little Brother is color. The novel forces, probably for many of us, once again, to reflect on this, as far as the desire for security may justify restricting human freedom and the seizure of the private sphere. The Little Brother were presented real dangers, real fears. The author vividly showed the world in which people are increasingly using technological achievements against other people in theory "for their own good. " Limiting the possibility of cash payments, monitoring the scale of the total, including tracking of individuals through their cards to the subway, the widespread acquisition of biometric data, a total lack of awareness of anonymity on the web is not just novel issues. Well a little bit more details CONCERNING these and similar problems to later INDECT not specify the-u (intelligent information system to support surveillance, search and detection for the safety of citizens in urban areas), if, and only as curiosities. Popularization of this type of information This is a great advantage of the novel, that can never be too much. And so completely on the margins of excess again that the name of the operating system invented for the Little Brother , ParanoidLinux, sounds przeuroczo.

Despite imperfections fiction novels have mentioned, the stress and deep bow to the author deserves the ability to juggle a very slim wide range of subjects. And so: in addition to technological themes accented everywhere in Little Brother discussed related issues are widely understood counter-culture, such as:
characteristics yippisów, anarchism, feminism, freeganizm. Refers to the famous year 1968, there are quotes from Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac. And besides all this, nor boring, nor is poured sauce on the strength of didacticism.

Apparently nothing surprising in the fact that the sensational novel for young seventeen must save the world, who knows. Unfortunately, the kid who fought in the network with the government of his empire, smacks to me a bit Card and Ender's siblings conquering power of the Internet, which is the story always makes me a bit rozczulała kind of naive - though perhaps in an era in which millions of voluntarily give up possession of the kindness of our reigning Mr. Zuckerberg (born 1984), it should not. I seriously offended some kind of simplifying the problem of polarization. We, the citizens and their government-are portrayed as totally separate worlds. Interestingly, this second world is not only omnipotent DBW, but even the director of the school. And that's a major simplification, even for the fictional reality: that the world powlekła mesh from a wide variety of tools for surveillance, people must accept it.

on video surveillance in schools (these very real) agrees teachers' council. Parents did not object to the provincial school children belonged to the building for the production of relevant ID with a barcode (when adult strangers - believe me I do not want that legitymowanych - lets you Woźna). Supplemental Monitoring is becoming one of the local mayor's election promises. We are not so distant from the world of Doctorow's novels, as surely we would like. Marcus says: "Benson, along with other school administrators paranoicznymi released (...), money spent on our books for those idiotic camera." In our world, money that could be used many meaningful projects, it seems idiotic to other cameras.

Proponents of government action (which it very simply for their own use may be called "camera enthusiasts") presented in the novel express such cliches starting formulaic, predictable issues, it is difficult to treat them as people who have their own views. I sincerely hope it's imperfections, however, Doctorow's writing and in creating a schematic, not a sad representation of reality. Oh, how not to treat even the protagonist's father as a dummy or a total idiot, when he says: "I do not Time to rip a lawyer and talk about the Charter of Rights. The time has come where we all need a little give, so the city could still be safe "in the context of chaotic, aimless police raids. A little scary, however, is the vision that such views, in fact,
may dominate the mainstream. And given the lack of high-profile debate beyond the third sector to the issues of security and privacy, far from it can not be ruled out.

And so at the end, I think the punch line of one of the last texts Zaczyńskiego Michael, my favorite columnist for Newsweek. In a short scrap headed Modern teenagers distances himself from the popular criticism of the position of young people and wonders what today's young have to offer people in their thirties. Do you want it to be such lifestyle of the well-known social psychologist author (sic), who lives in a "closed for three barriers to protect and porter plus neighborhood Słoneczkowa Valley" and niepytany - as if to convince himself - tells how he was there, right? Deity, which is safety, not satisfied with, apparently, partial victims. You have to sacrifice from all spheres of his life, and even that probably too few.

"Christ, we really do it yourself" - writes Zaczyński. Yes, this is the core: this is not some they we ourselves do it yourself. Agreeing. Not being interested. Silence. The young (and less young) readers Cory Doctorow - to learn from reading anything more than a sense of danger and / or spent time today - they should have the fully aware.

Quotes by: C. Doctorow, Little Brother , Publisher Open, 2011.
original novels published online on one of the Creative Commons license to download
here .
M. Zaczyński, Modern teenagers, in C5% BCycia / contemporary-teens, 72262.1 .

paperback ISBN: 978-83-7515-092-6
Year: 2011
Format: 136 x 205 mm
Number of pages: 378
Publisher: Open
Retail Price: 32.90 zł

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