Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Recipe For Snicker Doodle Salad

Utopia / dystopia marriage of PDF-I

Szlajając after the network, instead of doing something useful (just nawypożyczałam whole pile of books to make up for serious deficiencies in my university-educated Polish Studies, but must probably wait until I choose somewhere in the train journey: who knows, maybe fate smiles on me, and the winds associated with the successful traction stolen, damaged the locomotive, too late - because the winter or summer because - and the compulsory stop at the train station somewhere in Wielkopolska, Malopolska and Upper and Lower Silesia, the two have time to read), I came across a really good side. In English, of course, and therefore a bit sad: too bad that there is no chance that anything like as long as found in Polish (poor Wojciech Zdarzyńskego MD Krajewski barely localized in the network, because the Polish Internet Library grounds inconceivable to me decided to deprive the author of two first names, leaving only the third).

page referred to, it . Its creators distribute e-books. Much of it is - what is important - for free download from the network: either the text should be in the public domain, or the content has been published under the Creative Commons license. For obvious reasons, the most interested in my category utopia / dystopia , to which reference has already hanging on the blog and to which linkowałam on FB.

In the category of utopian and dystopian have been posted on the items, some of which is a classic genre, in Poland, information about them - apart from the Internet - can be obtained only in the textbooks of literature of the period, or simply in the wider literature in question. Post for me is particularly interesting that some of these books has never been translated into Polish (or was very long ago), and thus it is virtually unavailable in our libraries. Obviously does not apply to all items in this category. Some of them that's contemporary novels (which has now launched in Poland Little Brother Cory Doctorow ) and others have for years been known to Polish readers: Iron rate such as Jack London is digitized in the OSP and Trial by Franz Kafka anyone yet needs no introduction.

Below I put a few words on some rather major titles, with whom I have a special desire to get to know.

Looking Backward: 2000-1887 - Edward Bellamy (1888)
News from Nowhere - William Morris (1890)
Popular utopias of the turn of the century. William Morris alluded to earlier works of Edward Bellamy. News nowhere to be translated into Polish in 1902, so maybe there is a chance that somewhere in the translation on the website will soon have digital libraries.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1895
Herland - Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1915)
Herand is called the first utopia feminist. The author, working at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century Charlotte Perkins Gilman, was an American sociologist, poet and writer. Her works have great influence on the shaping of contemporary feminist thought. In doing so, raise the subject of gender roles in a patriarchal society. Herland is a novel about a society consisting entirely of women. In our ideal world, there is no war and domination. Women in a world without men, multiply by partenogenezie. Narrated Herland is a young sociology student, who with two friends out on a journey which will culminate in a woman's knowledge of the utopian land. For details, refer to the English story Wiki or to the original.

A Modern Utopia - HG Wells (1905)
Herbert George Wells in A Modern Utopia as in other writings of this period presented a utopian vision of society to which the creation was to help develop civilization. A Modern Utopia a species intermediate between the novel (fiction) and the Treaty of philosophy. Wells in this book calls for certain social reforms, further extends the idea of \u200b\u200ba state of the world (this motif can be found later in Huxley, among others).

Metropolis - Thea von Harbou (1926)
Thea von Harbou was a German novelist, screenwriter, theater actress, a director of two films. Metropolis is a novel about a utopian vision, anticipation. As he tells me the French Wikipedia, the novel This had a strong influence of German Expressionism, which is evident in the creation of forms, metaphors, style. Based on the book was written for the film, directed by Fritz Lang with the same title. The film was completed in 1927

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